

Long time no post. I decided to do an update post. Life has been rough I was diagnosed with cancer this past summer but I am cancer free since thankfully they caught it in stage 1 and it was slow growing.

Now while I still love and write about Wincest, J2, Janto and Ianto I also write about Buddie (9-1-1), Tim Drake (Batman/Dc Comics), Bonnie Bennett (TVD) and my newest love Johnny/Georgie (General hospital). I plan on creating master lists for each famdom/pairings as well as ones for J2 and Wincest as I have new stories for them.

Gen Prompt Bingo Card

Someone / Something is Hidden / Camouflaged The Bridge Journalist / Chronicler Use of Symbolism Gardening
Crack: Elves, Pixies, and other Magical Helpers or Irritations The Sound of Footsteps Crime and Punishment Graduation Frankencritters
Worst case scenario Snow and Ice Wild Card Telepathy Beauty
Trust Co-workers Crossover: Books and literary Perfect Violence
It Wasn't Meant to Be Brave Winter Introspection The Pursuit of Happiness

Ladies Bingo

The Ancients of the World Photo-synthesis Hopelessly Devoted Foreign Lands Tragedy
A Moment of Calm Contemplation The Rumour Mill Takeout Confessions Pretending to be married
Outsider / Outlaw A Murder to Solve Wild Card Something is Destroyed / Demolished Science and Magic
Terrible Choices Crack: Elves, Pixies, and other Magical Helpers or Irritations Possessive Behaviour Angst Lovers
The Blasted Heath Wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey: Time travel Ritual Marks and Body Decorations Opposite Sides of the Track Temporary Lodgings

Gen Prompt Bingo Card

The Game's Afoot The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step Androids and robots Spells and Geases An Ethical Dilemma
Anticipation Freestyle AU Shapeshifting Hey, you're... me: meeting alternate universe counterparts Patterns
Supernatural Elements Monsoon Wild Card Kraken, Leviathans and Creatures of the Deep Snow and Ice
A Brief Encounter is Pivotal Sunshine and Blue Skies The Pursuit of Happiness Clowns I / We have made a mistake
Sharing Action and Reaction Librarian / Archivist Artisan / Craftsman Steampunk AU